Curriculum Vitae

July 31, 2024

Curriculum Vitae

Janette F. Walde

Department of Statistics
Faculty of Economics and Statistics
University of Innsbruck
Universitätsstrasse 15
6020 Innsbruck

Tel.: ++43 (0)512 507 70422
Fax: ++43 (0)512 507 70599

Born September 11, 1968 – Innsbruck, Austria
Nationality Austrian
Personal Married, two children (2007 and 2009)

Current position

Professor, Department of Statistics, University of Innsbruck

Areas of specialization

Applied Statistics and Econometrics

Appointments held

since 2021/03 Dean of Studies, Faculty of Economics and Statistics, University of Innsbruck
since 2019 Professor (Univ.-Prof.) at the Department of Statistics, University of Innsbruck
2013–2020 Speaker of the research platform Empirical and Experimental Economics, University of Innsbruck
2006–2019 Associate Professor (ao Univ.-Prof.) at the Department of Statistics, University of Innsbruck
2006–2016 Authorised Representative of the Research Area Scientific Computing, University of Innsbruck
2001–2002 Research year at the University of California, San Diego, USA, Prof. Halbert White
1997–2006 Assistant Professor at the Department of Statistics, University of Innsbruck
1994–1996 Tutor in Statistics at the Department of Economic Theory, Economic Policy and Economic History, University of Innsbruck, Prof. Hans Werner Holub
1993 Assistant Professor at the Department of Quantum Physics, University of Innsbruck, Prof. Anton Zeilinger
1992–1993 Research Assistant at the Department of Quantum Physics, University of Innsbruck, Prof. Anton Zeilinger
1990 Summer job at Landeskrankenhaus Feldkirch, Feldkirch, Austria
1988 Summer job at Swarovski, Wattens, Austria
1987 Summer job at Swarovski, Wattens, Austria


2006 Venia docendi (Habilitation) in “Statistics and Econometrics
2006 Course on Spatial Econometrics, Prof. James P. LeSage, Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra, Portugal
2005–2007 Acquisition of the eLearning certificate, University of Innsbruck
2005 Workshop in Spatial Econometrics, Kiel Institute for World Economics, Kiel, Germany
2000 Dr.rer.soec.oec, Doctor of Social and Economic Sciences with distinction, thesis: “Artificial Neural Networks – An analysis of advantages and disadvantages for classification problems
1993–2000 Doctoral studies in Social and Economic Sciences, University of Innsbruck
1987–1993 Mag.rer.nat., Diploma (Magister rerum naturalium) in Physics with distinction, thesis: “Realization of a Quantum Eraser
1987–1993 Study of Physics, University of Innsbruck
1987 High School Diploma (Matura) with distinction, Innsbruck, Austria
1979–1987 Akademisches Gymnasium Innsbruck (secondary school and high school), Innsbruck, Austria
1975–1979 Sigmair Volksschule (primary school), Innsbruck, Austria

Grants, honors & awards

2022 Prof of the year, category “Outstanding Engagement”, awarded by the students and organized by the student faculty representatives.
2021 Prof of the year, category “Outstanding Engagement”, awarded by the students and organized by the student faculty representatives.
2021 Nomination Ars Docendi Staatspreis (State prize for excellent teaching), listed in “Atlas der guten Lehre”, together with Gabriele Steckel-Berger.
2020 Prof of the year, category “Outstanding Engagement”, awarded by the students and organized by the student faculty representatives.
2015 Ars Docendi Staatspreis für innovatives Lehrkonzept am Studienbeginn”. Team: Stefan Lang, Alexander Razen, Gabriele Steckel-Berger, Nikolaus Umlauf, Janette Walde, Achim Zeileis.
2014 eLearning Preis 2014 der Universität Innsbruck”, Lehrekonzept und Umsetzung des Moduls ‘Mathematik’. Team: Stefan Lang, Alexander Razen, Gabriele Steckel-Berger, Nikolaus Umlauf, Janette Walde, Achim Zeileis.
2008 eLearning Preis 2008 der Universität Innsbruck”, eLearning project “Java Applets Bau, MIP, VW” in the category „technisch anspruchsvollstes Projekt” (technically most ambitious project). Team: Michael Oberguggenberger, Alexander Ostermann, Janette Walde.
2008 eLearning Preis 2008 der Universität Innsbruck”, eLearning project „eTeaching Economics I” in the category „beste didaktische Konzeption und Umsetzung” (best didactical concept and implementation).
2001 Erwin-Schrödinger Research Fellowship awarded” by the Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF, Austrian Science Fund) to finance the scientific project “Characteristics, potential and limits of artificial neural networks for pattern recognition” at the University of California, San Diego.
2001 Dr. Otto Seibert Prize for Scientific Publications” at the University of Innsbruck.

Research projects and third-party funds

1999–2023 Total €307,638
2013–2025 Funding PhD position: Forschungsinitiative Dr. Oswald Lechner. Handels-, Industrie-, Handwerks- und Landwirtschaftskammer Bozen - Handelskammer Bozen
2017–2018 Tourismusforschungszentrum Tirol: “Touristische Präferenzen für komplexe Angebotspakete im Wintertourismus”
2011 bm:bwk: “Automatische Generierung von individuellen Übungsblättern/Prüfungen mit Hilfe der open-source Software R und Latex” (Automatic generation of individual tests/exams using the open source software R and Latex)
2007–2008 bm:bwk: “Java-Applets als didaktisches Anreicherungskonzept” (Java Applets as didactical tool)
2006–2007 bm:bwk: “Blended Learning Statistik” (Blended Learning Statistics)
2005–2006 bm:bwk: “e-Teaching Volkswirtschaftslehre I” (eTeaching Economics I)
2005–2007 Österreichische Nationalbank, Jubiläumsfondsprojekt Nr. 11034: Kreditrisikomessung von Bankenportfolios: Schätzung von Verlustfunktionen von Kreditportfolios von Banken mit Hilfe von strukturierten Modellen und neuronalen Netzen (Measuring credit risk of bank portfolios: Estimating loss functions of credit portfolios using structured models and artificial neural networks)
1999–2000 Industriellenvereinigung Tirol: Die Prognosequalität und Interpretierbarkeit der Ergebnisse Künstlicher Neuronaler Netze bei der Analyse von Phasenübergängen in der alpinen Landwirtschaftsstruktur (Prediction quality and interpretability of results obtained by using artificial neural networks to analyze phase transitions in the Alpine agriculture)
1998–1999 Universität Innsbruck: Eigenschaften, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen Künstlicher Neuronaler Netze bei der Mustererkennung im Schnittstellenbereich zwischen Ökonomie und Ökologie (Properties, possibilities and limits of artificial neural networks regarding pattern classification in the interface between economy and ecology), University of Innsbruck

Service to the profession


IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks • Journal of Computational Management Science • Journal of Environmental Modelling • Pattern Recognition • Environmental Modeling & Assessment • Statistical Modelling • Journal of Socio-Economics • Empirical Economics • Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine • Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods • Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics • Journal of Economics and Statistics

Editorial work

since 2018 Associate Editor of International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics   
since 2010 Advisory Editor (Board Member) of Environmental Modeling and Assessment   
since 2010 Associate Editor of Advances in Statistical Analysis   

Organization of international conferences and symposia

2014 Österreichische Statistiktage 2014 / Annual Meeting of the Austrian Statistical Society (OSG) 2014, September 10–12, 2014, Innsbruck, Austria
2013 NOeG, Scientific and Organising Committee Member, Mai 2013, Innsbruck, Austria
2008 Scientific Committee Member of the International Workshop on “Computational and Financial Econometrics”, June 19–21, 2008, Neuchatel, Switzerland
2007 Scientific Committee Member of the International Workshop on “Computational and Financial Econometrics”, April 20–22, 2007, Genf, Switzerland
2005 Symposium “eLearning/eTeaching Strategy at University of Innsbruck”, December 14–15, 2005, Innsbruck, Austria
2005 “eLearning Information Meeting”, November 30, 2005, Innsbruck, Austria
2004 “2nd Interdisciplinary Mountain Research Young Scientists Conference”, September 29–October 2, 2004, Trafoi, Italy
2000 “Österreichische Statistik-Tage 2000/Austrian Conference on Statistics 2000”, Innsbruck, Austria